On September 25, 2024, the Jonava people with disabilities activity center hosted a conference titled “Empowering Life: understanding yourself and others through communication and collaboration” as part of the Erasmus+ project. This event brought together numerous people from various institutions aiming to share best practices, enhance collaboration among organizations working…


From May 27-31, 2024, Lithuania hosted the international ERASMUS+ project meeting for “Empowering Life”. The service recipients and staff of the Jonava people with disabilities activity center were delighted to welcome project partners from Iceland and Belgium. During the project, participants not only familiarized themselves with the Lithuanian social service…


On 19 June 2024, the Jonava People with Disabilities Activity Center staff, along with their service beneficiaries, engaged in a remote meeting with partners from Iceland and Belgium as part of the international project “Empowering Life.” This meeting provided a platform for sharing impressions from the partners' recent visit to…


On 11 June 2024, as part of the international project “Empowering Life,” the staff of the Jonava People with Disabilities Activity Center shared their impressions of their visit to Lithuania and their experiences applying group work methods in their work with people with disabilities. Group work has proven to be…


On May 2, 2024, as part of the “Empowering Life” project, the workers from the Jonava people with disabilities activity center, along with service recipients, participated in a virtual meeting with project partners from Iceland and Belgium. Alternative communication plays a vital role in assisting individuals with various language or…


The Jonava people with disabilities activity center visited Belgium from February 26th to March 3rd, 2024, to enhance their understanding of alternative communication within the project. They deepened their existing knowledge and heard new aspects about the use of alternative communication. It gave us the opportunity to see how people…


The Jonava people with disabilities activity center visited the Norwegian capital, Oslo, on 10–16 September 2023, to enhance their understanding of alternative communication within the project “Something common – something different”. Alternative communication serves as a crucial tool for individuals with disabilities who, due to various reasons, are unable to…


On 19 December 2023, within the framework of the international project “Empowering life”, the staff of the Jonava people with disabilities activity center, after returning from Iceland, shared with their colleagues the impressions of the trip and the experience of applying alternative communication tools in their work with people with…


On 6 December 2023, as part of the “Empowering life” project, the staff of the Jonava people with disabilities activity center, together with clients, participated in a remote meeting with project partners from Iceland and Belgium. During the meeting, the participants shared their impressions of the trip and their experience…


From 16 to 20 October 2023, the staff of the Jonava people with disabilities activity center, together with their clients, visited Iceland and deepened their knowledge about alternative communication in the project “Empowering life”, in cooperation with specialists from Iceland and Belgium. They deepened their existing knowledge and heard new…


In October 2023, specialists and clients of the Jonava disability activity center had a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience by participating in the Erasmus+ project “Innovative Methods in Working with Disabled”. During the project, they visited the city of Jelgava in Latvia and took part in a…


Jonava people with disabilities activity center participated in a meeting in Jurmala on 17–21 July 2023, during which they were actively involved in various activities. The meeting left unforgettable and the warmest memories for all participants. The exchange of experiences between the countries inspired us to make changes that we…


On 12–16 June 2023, the international project “Innovative methods in working with disabled” held a meeting in Palanga, with the participation of project partners from Latvia. The project enabled the participants to develop ecological awareness, environmental awareness and natural science experience through active participation in workshops on the use of…


On 3–8 June 2023, the international project “Something common – something different” held a meeting at the Jonava people with disabilities activity center, with the participation of project partners from Norway and Iceland. The main objective of the project is to improve the integration of people with intellectual and mental…


Thursday, 18 May 2023 10:42


Communication is of great importance in human life. Every day people communicate, make connections, share relevant information and convey their thoughts. A person’s emotions, thoughts and even behavior can be conveyed through various means of communication. But what if a person can neither speak nor move his fingers? Fortunately, with…


Wednesday, 17 August 2022 17:03


Creating opportunities for disabled people to participate in society and have equal rights with everyone is beyond doubt – successful integration is aimed at in all countries of the world. Each country has its own good work practices to share with others. The international Erasmus + project “Empowering life“ unites…


Communication have great importance in human life. Every day people communicate, make connections, share information relevant to them and convey their thoughts. Different communication tools can change a person’s emotions, thoughts and even behaviour. In order to achieve the successful social inclusion of persons with intellectual and mental disabilities in…


A person’s disability often prevents him from successfully integrating into society. So the policy of social integration of the disabled people has changed purposefully in recent years from aid and support, as the only means, towards the development of the disabled’s people own abilities, independence, integration into local communities and…


Jonavos rajono savivaldybė kartu su projekto „Kompleksinių paslaugų šeimai teikimas Jonavos rajono savivaldybėje“ Nr. 08.4.1-ESFA-V-416-02-0004 partneriu Jonavos rajono neįgaliųjų veiklos centru pradeda teikti šeimoms (asmenims) karantino, riboto karantino ar ekstremaliosios situacijos metu nemokamas paslaugas – maisto produktų, medikamentų, higienos ir (ar) kitų būtinų prekių nupirkimas ir (ar) pristatymas; pagalba sumokant…


2020 m. rugsėjo 24 d. Vilniuje vykusiame kasmetiniame šventiniame „Kokybės konkurso“ renginyje buvo apdovanoti geriausi 2020 metų Švietimo mainų paramos fondo „Erasmus+“ ir „Nordplus“ projektai. Jonavos rajono neįgaliųjų veiklos centro projektas „Išsaugokime pasaulį žalią“ buvo nominuotas kokybiškiausios „Nordplus“ programos kategorijoje. Šio projekto tikslas – pasidalinti šalių patirtimi panaudojant antrines žaliavas…


Šiandieninėje visuomenėje turime atkreipti dėmesį į socialines problemas ir geresnę psichologinę aplinką mūsų labiausiai pažeidžiamam, socialinę atskirtį patiriančiam, žmonių sluoksniui. Vadovaujantis Jonavos miesto vietos plėtros strategijos tikslu – užtikrinti socialinių ir kitų paslaugų plėtrą prisidedant prie socialinės atskirties mažinimo, bei analizuojant neįgaliųjų smurto įveikimo galimybių būdus Jonavos rajono neįgaliųjų veiklos…


Communication has great significance in human life. Every day people communicate, share relevant information and convey their thoughts. Various communication methods can change human emotions, thoughts and even behaviour. In pursuit of successful social inclusion of people with mental disabilities the Jonava people with disabilities activity center together with partners…


In today's society facing with an increasing amount of waste, driven by indiscriminate consumption of the population. Waste is a serious problem worldwide, which is a consequence of the pattern of public growth based on consumption. They will not disappear, but their quantity will depend on how they are treated…


Jonavos rajono neįgaliųjų veiklos centras bendradarbiaudamas su nevyriausybine organizacija „Jonavos viltis“, sieks teikti kompleksines paslaugas, kurios padėtų ne tik smurtaujančiam neįgaliam asmeniui nusiraminti, atgauti kontrolę grėsmę keliančiam vyksmui, gerinti santykius su šeimos nariais ir kitais žmonėmis, bet ir padėti neįgaliojo artimiesiems spręsti jų ir kitų žmonių atžvilgiu kylančias smurto problemas.…


We are living in a fast changing society where challenges are inevitable. Organizations, which are working with people with mental disabilities, are constantly faced with one of the most important challenges – successful integration of people with disabilities into society, improving the quality of services provided. Jonava people with disabilities…


Jonava district people with disability activity center (lead beneficiary) in cooperation with Podlaskie Association of Therapists (Podlaskie Stowarzyszenie Terapeutow – second beneficiary) started the project "Discover and show yourself" on 1st of February of this year. This project is carried out on Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland cooperation Programme which is intended…


Tuesday, 02 August 2016 15:58

Nordplus Adult project „We can do more“

Jonava people with disabilities activity centre in 2016-2017 year carries Nordplus Adult project "We can do more", whose main objective is to involve people with intellectual and mental disabilities in the activities in cooperation with other countries. Jonava people with disabilities activity centre visitors and residents have the opportunity to…


Tuesday, 02 August 2016 15:58

Social project "Living colors"

During the project, all the visitors took a rest in the Šventoji 5-days off. Disabled young people had the opportunity to stay at sea, and to visit the famous places of interest. Jonava people with disabilities activities center young people were able to get rid of tension, to understand their…


Disabled Affairs Department "Social rehabilitation services to the disabled in the community project”. The project implemented in cooperation with Jonava “Viltis”. It aims to increase the social integration of persons with disabilities into society, develop, maintain and restore the disabled social and independent living skills, increase self-sufficiency and artistic skills…


Tuesday, 02 August 2016 15:57

Project „Equality tree“

In farmhouse Skrebinai Jonava district municipal theater was held educational project "Equality tree", in which was attended and Jonava district of the disabled activity center young people. The aim of the project - the development of cultural education, involving children and young people in the theatrical creation, fostering mutual tolerance.…


Tuesday, 02 August 2016 15:56

Project "Safety road in communities”

Lithuanian Road Administration project "Safety road in communities”. The project has organized various events to police representatives, in order to make a wider range of tools and forms to remind all ages and social groups to traffic safety rules, improve road user culture, promoting all the roads and streets behave…